Finding orphaned Records in tables using RefRecId

Dynamics AX makes us the RefRecId, RefTable and RefCompany data pattern in a number of tables the system to provide flexible linking from a common/generic table such as WorkflowWorkitemTable to a variety of specific tables such as PurchReq or PurchTable.

Examples of this include Workflowtables, DocuRef, SpecTrans,  etc…

From time to time you may want to identify which of the records in these tables have become “orphaned” i.e. the documents that they refer to no longer exist. To do this in a fairly generic way you can make use SysDictTable’s makeRecord functionality as below (Using DocuRef as an example)

static void Check_Orphans(Args _args)
SpecTrans specTrans;
DocuRef docuref;
counter i;
Common record;
SysDictTable table;

while select forupdate * from docuref// where SpecTrans.RefTableId == 865 && SpecTrans.RefCompany==’an’// 866 for Debtors
table = new SysDictTable(docuref.RefTableId);
record = table.makeRecord();
select firstonly * from record where record.RecId == docuref.RefRecId;
info(strFmt(“Record %1 has been orphaned”, docuref.caption()));
//Delete if necessary over here…
info(strFmt(“%1 orphaned records found”,i));

I hope you find this a useful trick in your AX wanderings.

Workflow: User Selectable Approver

A question that has come across on a number of occassions on the Dynamics Community forum is how can one allow the creator of a document to select an approver to approve the document. We did do a variation on this request for a client a couple of years ago, so here is one way to do it.


1. Create a custom field to store the approver on the record you are workflowing
2. Allow the user to populate this field (either directly on the record’s form, or via a pop-up request) on submission.
3. Create a custom participant provider that can resolve the user selected in #2
4. Modify your configuration to use this participant provider.

For this example I will make use of the PurchReqTable and its workflows

1. Create Custom Approver field

  1. Open the AOT, Data Dictionary, expand Tables, locate PurchReqTable. Expand the node and expand the fields node.
  2. Right Click on fields, click new -> String
  3. Rename your field (e.g. ChosenApprover) and provide a suitable Label


2. Allow the user to populate this field
Option A – Allow modification directly on the form:

  1. Open the AOT, expand the forms node, locate and expand the PurchReqTable node.
  2. Right click on data sources, click “open in new window”
  3. Expand the PurchReqTable datasource, expand the fields node
  4. Drag the “Chosen Approver” field to a relevant place on your form E.G. Designs->Design->Tabl->TabPageDetails->TabDetails->TabPageheader->TabHeader->TabPageHeaderGeneral->HeaderAdministration


Option B:

  1. Locate the Class behind your workflow’s Submit button. E.G. PurchReqWorkflow.
  2. Before the code line “if (ret && purchReqWorkflow.dialogOk())’ add code to prompt the submitter to enter a user.
  3. Save the selected user to the PurchReqTable


3. Create a custom participant provider to resolve the ChosenApprover

  1. Open the AOT, right click on Classes, click “New Class”
  2. Rename Your class to “ChosenApproverParticipantProvider”
  3. Edit the class declarationand implement the “WorkflowParticipantProvider” interface
    E.g. class ChosenApproverParticipantProvider implements WorkflowParticipantProvider
  4. Create a new method called “getParticipantToken” with the following code to present a single resolution option to the users…
    public WorkflowParticipantTokenList getParticipantTokens()
    WorkflowParticipantTokenList tokens = WorkflowParticipantTokenList::construct();
    tokens.add(“CHOSENAPPROVER”, “User selected Approver”);
    return tokens;
  5. Create a new method to resolve the token above called “resolve” with the following code (this code assumes that the provider will only be used from a purchase requisition and will not have resolution options other than “chosenApprover”, also it assumes that all requisitions will have the ChosenApprover field filled in:
    public WorkflowUserList resolve(WorkflowContext _context,
    WorkflowParticipantToken _participantTokenName)
    PurchReqTable purchReqTable;
    WorkflowUserList userList = WorkflowUserList::construct(); //Retrieve the requisition from the workflow context
    purchReqTable = PurchReqTable::find(_context.parmRecId());
    userList.add(PurchReqTable.ChosenApprover); return userList;
  6. Save your class.
  7. Expand the Workflow node in the AOT, expand “providers”, right click on “participantProviders” and click “New Participant Assignment Provider”
  8. Rename the Provider to ChosenApproverParticipantProvider (similar to your class name)
  9. Right click on the provider, click properties.
  10. Provide a suitable label for the provider e.g. “Chosen approver provider”
  11. If your record is a cross company table select AssociationType of “Global”
  12. Choose “No” under “available for all workflow types” as this provider assumes that a PurchaseRequisition is being used.
  13. Under “ProviderClass” enter the name of your class created above. “ChosenApproverParticipantProvider”
  14. Associate your provider with the PurchReqWorkflow type: On expand your “ChosenApproverParticipantProvider” AOT node, right click on “workflow types”, click “new workflow type”. Right click on the newly created node, click properties, select the relevant workflow type under the “workflowType” Option. E.G. PurchReqReview
  15. Save the ParticipantProvider.

4. Modify your configuration to use this participant provider.

  1. Perform a CIL compile and close and open AX client for your changes to take effect.
  2. Navigate to your workflow configuration and click “edit”. E.G. Procurement and Sourcing -> Setup -> Procurement and sourcing workflows -> Select PurchReqReview configuration.
  3. Locate the node that you would like to assign to your Chosen User. Click assignment in the toolbar.
  4. On the assignment type tab, select Participant
  5. Click on the “Role Based” tab.
  6. Under type of participant select “Chosen Approver Provider”
  7. Under Participant select “User selected Approver”
  8. Save and close your workflow
  9. Ensure you activate the workflow version you just created!

All done! Test and enjoy!

Debugging Security (in the AOT)

With the various ways in AX2012 that you can allow permissions to objects it can sometimes be very difficult to diagnose why your role is not working as required. There are a number of very useful tools to use to assist in finding the problem, including the security development tool from Microsoft.

In this post however I will describe how to analyse a specific problem in a security role using the AOT.

Example: We have created a new Role that should allow users to have read only access to a number of forms including the Users form in the System Administration Module. A number of standard “Inquiry” duties were added to the role as well as a custom duty explicitly allowing view only access to the SysUserInfoDetail form. On testing of the role the user still had access to edit the users. To resolve the issue we followed the following procedure.

  1. Determine the Entry Point / Menu Item being used.
    1. Right click on the form that’s proving problematic
    2. Click Personalise
    3. Select “Information” tab.
    4. Note the MenuItemName. In this case “SysUserInfoDetail”
  2. Locate the Menu Item in the AOT
    1. Open the AOT in a development workspace
    2. Expand the “Menu-Items” node
    3. Expand the “Display” node
    4. Locate the MenuItem noted above (1.4)
  3. Determined Roles that use this MenuItem
    1. Right Click on the Menuitem
    2. Click “Add-Ins”
    3. Click “Security Tools”
    4. Click “View related security roles”Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 4.33.59 PM
  4. Locate your custom role in the table
    Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 4.37.18 PM
  5. From her you can determine what other duties and privileges are also providing access to this
    Screen Shot 2015-02-25 at 4.40.40 PM
  6. In our case it is the PaymVendorPaymentStatusInquire duty and VendPaymentJournal_NAGenerate privilege that is giving full access and overriding our view only permission.

I hope this will assist you in debugging your custom security roles.

SQL Database Restore History

From time to time it is useful to determine the history of restores that a database has gone through. For example if you maintain a local copy of a client database / environment and would like to determine the exact date it was last refreshed. The following script is useful for getting this restore history from SQL:

SELECT [rs].[destination_database_name],
[bs].[database_name] as [source_database_name],
[bmf].[physical_device_name] as [backup_file_used_for_restore]
FROM msdb..restorehistory rs
INNER JOIN msdb..backupset bs
ON [rs].[backup_set_id] = [bs].[backup_set_id]
INNER JOIN msdb..backupmediafamily bmf
ON [bs].[media_set_id] = [bmf].[media_set_id]
ORDER BY [rs].[restore_date] DESC

Sample Output

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Adding code templates/shortcuts in AX 2012

If you’ve got any blocks of code that you use frequently, e.g. specific comment blocks, you can very easily add code short cuts in AX 2012 to auto-insert the them in to your X++ code.

For example you can setup AX to automatically create surrounding comment such as

whenever you type “mycom” and press the tab key.

How do you accomplish this. Very easily!

Step1: Locate the class EditorScripts in the AOT.
Step2: Create a new method with the format public void template_flow_[shortcut](Editor editor)
Step3: User the editor parameter to add code the code that you would like inserted. e.g. editor.insertLines(“\\test comment”);
Step4: Add your method to the case statement in the isApplicableMethod method in the section relating to template “editor scripts that does not apply to Macros” 

Thats it, now if you type your shortcut into any editor in AX and press tab, the “\\test comment” code will be inserted.

Here’s a full example method

The above creates the following output:


Repost from my old blog:

Form Parts: Creating form method callbacks

Problem description: Form parts in Dynamics AX usually make use of linked data sources to activate changes. However there may the case that your form part does not have a direct datasource link to the parent form or simply needs to activate code to populate the info displayed. In this case one needs a mechanism to call code on the form part when the record on the parent form is changed.

Solution: To resolve the issue one needs to create method call-backs between the two forms. Two approaches need to be followed based on whether the form part has been added to a list page or to a normal form.

Standard forms

  1. Create your form and form parts.
  2. Add your form part to your main form
  3. On your main form create a reference to your form part in the class declaration e.g. Object _part;
  4. Create a method on your main form e.g. “registerForChange(Object _part); with the following code:
    public void registerForChange(Object _part)
        part = _part;
    This method will allow your form part to provide a reference of itself to the main form.
  5. On your form part’s init method. Call this method register call the above method passing itself as a reference. Note: you will need to perform step #4 on all forms that will use this form part.
    public void init()
        Object caller;
        caller= args.caller();
  6. On your form part create an doRefresh method, your main form will call this method whenever a form part refresh is needed. This method can have an parameter that your would like the main form to pass through. In this example we will pass the active record from the main form  E.G.
    publicvoid doRefresh(Common _record)
    //Do custom form part refresh.
  7. Finally, on your main form, call the the method in #6 at the appropriate time. In this example calling “part.doRefresh(myTable);” in the myTable datasource’s active method works well. You could also do your call from a button on the main form or on any other trigger.

ListPage variation

If you are planning on using the form part as part of a list page. You need to make the following adjustments.

  1. Create a reference to your part in the list page’s ListPageInteractionClass’ ClassDeclaration e.g. Object part;
  2. For step #4 add the “registerForChange” to your list page’s ListPageInteractionClass
  3. For step #5 detect whether your part is being called from a ListPage or a normal form: E.G.
    public void init()
        Object caller;
        SysSetupFormRun formRun;
        caller= this.args().caller();
    formRun = caller;
    if (formRun.pageInteraction())
    caller = formRun.pageInteraction();
            } else
  4. On the relevant method in your list page interaction class call the part’s doRefresh method. For this example use the selectionChanged method
    public void selectionChanged()
    ListPage listPage = this.listPage();
    if (listPage.activeRecord(“MyTable”))



Mass Reassign Workflows

Challenge/Problem: Many Dynamics AX Workflow work-items that need to be reassigned at once.

Description: At times we have had the request from clients to reassign many workitems from one person to another. My first reaction is why weren’t delegation parameters setup on the user so that one doesn’t need to manually reassign. However I have come to realise over time that there are a couple of good reasons to do so such as a person falling ill suddenly, a mistake in the workflow config, failure to set delegation parameters in time etc…

Solution: The following script/job designed for AX workflow will reassign workitems from one user to another. You can modify your query a bit to restrict the items to just the one that you want. The attached one simply reassigns all items currently assigned to user “123456” to user “654321”.

NOTE: This will not affect items in your workitem list as a result of queues

static void workflowMassReassign(Args _args)
    UserId fromUser = "123456"
    UserId toUser = "654321";
    //Comment for workflow history
    str comment = "Auto-Reassign 2014/11/26 08:00";
    WorkflowWorkItemTable workitems;
    int i;
    while select workitems where workitems.Status == WorkflowWorkItemStatus::Pending && workitems.UserId == fromUser 
        WorkflowWorkItem::delegateWorkItem(workitems.Id, toUser, comment);
    info(strFmt("Items re-assigned: %1",i));

Datasource Save, method execution order

Screen Shot 2014-11-17 at 4.10.15 PMWhen saving records in a form in Dynamics AX a lot of methods are fired off both on the form as well as on the table itself. I haven’t found another flow diagram describing what methods are fired and in what order, so I tested and found the results displayed in the diagram to the left:

  1. Form’s Validate() method on the datasource is called
  2. When super() is called with in the validate() method, the table’s validateField() method is called for each field
  3. Code placed after the super() in the form’s validate method is called
  4. Form’s validateWrite() method on the datasource is called
  5. When the super() is called in the validateWrite() method, the table’s validateWrite() method is called
  6. Code placed after the super() in the form’s validateWrite() method is called
  7. Form’s write() method is called.
  8. When the super() is called in the write() method, the table’s insert() method is called.
  9. Code placed after the super() in the form’s write() method is called.

Comment below if you have corrections or additions to this diagram.
Happy daxing.

Synchronize Dynamics AX DB in X++

Challenge/Problem: Synchronise Dynamics AX database from X++

Description: Previously I have written code to manipulate AX AOT objects via code (reflection) and found the need to kick off a database sync automatically from X++ code. I found the code snippets below to be useful for this operation.

The following two options allow you to perform the db syncronisation.

1. To synchronize a specific table: appl.dbSynchronize([tableid]);
2. To synchronize the whole app: appl.dbSynchronize(0);

Mass Resume Line Workflows

Challenge/Problem: Many line level workflows that need to be resumed.

Description: Sometimes due to data or setups one may have numerous line level workflows failing and entering a “Stopped” state. This may be a result of calendars that do not have enough dates created, users who have been disabled etc… If the workflows were header level, it is easy enough to select all in the Workflow History form and click resume, however on line level workflows one needs to view each line level workflow individually and resume them.

Solution: The following job can be used to perform mass resume on stopped workflows. You can adapt the SQL to limit to certain documents or document types of necessary.

static void resumeStoppedWorkflows(Args _args)
    WorkflowTrackinStatusTable tracking;
    int i, j;
    while select tracking where tracking.TrackingStatus == WorkflowTrackingStatus::Faulted
&& tracking.WorkflowType == WorkflowTrackingStatusWorkflowType::DependentSubworkflow
        try {
            Workflow::resumeWorkflow(tracking.CorrelationId, "Auto-resumed");
        catch (Exception::Error)
            //Some may not be able to be resumed but we dont want to stop the process
    info(strfmt("%1 workflows resumed, %2 workflows could not be resumed"));

Sync System Email Templates to all companies.

Challenge / Problem: Maintaining email templates across multiple companies.

Descritpion: Dynamics AX makes use of email templates for various bits of functionality in Dynamics AX, including workflow notifications and alert notifications. If you are using workflow in multiple companies and want to keep the same workflow template across the board, it can be quite frustrating to have to make the same changes in every company. The following script/job in X++ will help sync all (or some) system email templates and their respective languages into every company in Dynamics AX.

/// Copies All System Email Template to all companies
/// WARNING: Will create or overwrite existing templates in other companies
static void syncWorkflowTemplates(Args _args)
    DataArea  DataArea;
    SysEmailSystemTable email;
    SysEmailTable local;
    SysEmailMessageSystemTable message;
    SysEmailMessageTable localMess;
    WorkflowParameters params;

    void FindOrCreate()
        local = SysEmailTable::find(email.EmailId, true);
        if (local.RecId)
            info(strFmt("Deleting %1 (%2)", local.EmailId, curext()));
        local.DefaultLanguage = email.DefaultLanguage;
        local.Description       = email.Description;
        local.EmailId           = email.EmailId;
        local.Priority          = email.Priority;
        local.SenderAddr        = email.SenderAddr;
        local.SenderName        = email.SenderName;
        info(strFmt("Adding %1 (%2)", email.EmailId, curext()));

    void FindOrCreateMessage()
        localMess = SysEmailMessageTable::find(message.EmailId, message.LanguageId, true);
        if (localMess.RecId)
            info(strFmt("Deleting %1 %2 (%3)", localMess.EmailId, localMess.LanguageId, curext()));
        localMess.EmailId       = message.EmailId;
        localMess.LanguageId    = message.LanguageId;
        localMess.LayoutType    = message.LayoutType;
        localMess.Mail          = message.Mail;
        localMess.Subject       = message.Subject;
        localMess.XSLTMail      = message.XSLTMail;
        info(strFmt("Adding %1 %2 (%3)", localMess.EmailId, localMess.LanguageId, curext()));
    // Restrict to specific templates in a where clause if necessary
    while select email
        while select DataArea where !DataArea.isVirtual && != email.dataAreaId
            changecompany (DataArea.Id)
            while select message where message.EmailId == email.EmailId
                changecompany (DataArea.Id)


Model Management: Tools – Eventing II (validateWrite)

Following up on my previous post on the use of Eventing for model management today’s post will demonstrate how to use eventing effectively on the validateWrite method of tables. This can be very useful for additional model specific data validation without overshadowing the original method.

In this example I will use the validateWrite of the PurchReqLine table.


1. Create a new class e.g. MyPurchReqLineEventHandler

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2. Create a new static method in this class e.g. public static void validateWritePurchReqLine(XppPrePostArgs _args)
3. In the class retrieve the current boolean return value so that you can take it into account: boolean ret = _args.getReturnValue();
4. Get the original PurchReqLine Table record so that you can use it in your logic: PurchReqLine line = _args.getThis();
5. Add your logic to the method taking into account the current return value e.g.
if (ret)
ret = purchReqLine.myField != “”;
6. Set the return value (either at the end of your method or within the if (ret) statement: _args.setReturnValue(ret);

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7. Create the event subscription
7.1 Navigate to the PurchReqLine table in the AOT
7.2 Expand the methods section.
7.3 Right click on the validateWrite method. Click “New Event Handler Subscription
Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 9.20.55 AM
7.4 Rename the Subscription to a name that reflects your model
7.5 Modify the CalledWhen property of the Subscription to “Post”
7.6 Modify the Class property of the Subscription to “MyPurchReqLineEventHandler”
7.7 Modify the Method property of the Subscription to “validateWritePurchReqLine”
Screen Shot 2014-10-22 at 9.33.41 AM
7.8 Save the class.

You’re all done. Now test and enjoy.
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions on the above. Keep an eye out some more samples like this in the next few days and weeks.

Model Management: Tools – Eventing

Since AX 2012 brought in the concept of models I have been very interested in utilising them to their full potential with our clients and our products. With certain things such as entirely new tables, classes, forms etc, the model concept works very well. It even works well when it comes to individual components on forms or new fields or methods as they are all regarded as individual objects in AX that can be plugged in and out of AX with models.

Where things start to become a bit harder is on shared objects such as standard methods etc. So how do we overcome some of these challenges. Hopefully over the next while I will post some useful design patterns and tools that one can use to keep one’s models clean and separated where at all possible. An added bonus of keeping your code separate is that it make performing Cumulative updates or 3rd party updates alot easier as there is less overshadowing.


One of the most useful tools for keeping models separate is the new Eventing functionality in Dynamics AX 2012. Eventing has a number of benefits, but in regards to model management eventing allows one to keep your code (the event handler method) in a separate model to calling class as well as keeping the event subscription that calls your code in your separate model.

Eventing on Table Methods e.g. initFrom

Using event handlers and subscriptions on table methods are one of the areas that are very useful for model management. For example you may have added new fields to a standard table such as PurchTable that you would like to initialise as part of the “initFromRFQTable” method without overshadowing standard AX code. Using event an event handler you could do the following;

1. Create New class e.g. MyEventHandler
2. Add a new static method to the class e.g. initFromRFQTable that accepts an XppPrePostArgs object as a parameter.
3. Get a reference to the calling object, in this case the PurchTable e.g. PurchTable purch = ppArgs.getThis();
4. Get a reference to the calling method’s parameter e.g. _purchRFQTable
5. Perform any initialisation that is necessary e.g. purch.MyField = rfq.MyField;

public static void initFromRFQTable(XppPrePostArgs ppArgs)
   PurchTable purch = ppArgs.getThis();
   PurchRFQTable rfq = ppArgs.getArg('_purchRFQTable');
   purch.MyField = rfq.MyField;

Note that this method has access to all the parameters of the PurchTable::initFromRFQTable as well as access to the PurchTable object itself, so you can perform close to anything that you would be able to perform in the method itself.

For a direct example look at how Microsoft has done this for localisations on the PurchTable’s initFromVendTableMethod.

In the next few weeks I’ll publish more model management tools, tricks and design patterns. If you have any of your own please let me know as well.


Active Directory Lookup in AX 2012

As you may be aware by now, AX allows one to create users of type “active directory group” which if setup will auto-create users who belong to that group when they try to login. Furthermore users (whether auto-created or manually created) who belong to these groups will inherit the security permissions assigned to these groups.

One challenge however is, to debug this. I.E. Finding out which users are members of specific groups or what groups a specific user belongs to. My previous post was about how to determine ownership via command line. After a bit of reflection I thought this may be better and more useful to have this functionality directly within AX. Using Attached is an XPO with the relevant code (use at your own risk).

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Basically it adds a class to AX as well as a lookup menu item to UserListPage form and the User form.

Please let me know your comments.

Here is a sample job if you don’t want to download the full project. It prints all groups for a user.

static void adGroups(Args _args)
    System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext yourDomain;
    System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal user;
    System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.GroupPrincipal p;
    CLRObject groups, enum;
    System.String domain, username1,groupName;
    str groupN;
    Userid userId = curUserId();
    InteropPermission permission;

    UserInfo userInfo;
        permission = new InteropPermission(InteropKind::CLRInterop);

        yourDomain = new System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext(System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType::Domain);

        // find your user
        userInfo = xUserInfo::find(false, userId);
        domain = UserInfo.networkDomain;
        username1 = UserInfo.networkAlias;
        user = System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal::FindByIdentity(yourDomain, username1);

        // if found - grab its groups

        if(user != null)
            groups = user.GetAuthorizationGroups();
            enum = groups.GetEnumerator();

            while (enum.MoveNext())
                p = enum.get_Current();
                groupName = p.get_Name();
                groupN = groupName;

     catch (Exception::CLRError)


Domain Users / Group Checking

As you may all be aware, AX 2012 offers certain ability to manage your Dynamics AX 2012 users via Active directory groups. Hopefully more on that later. (Check out this post in the meantime

The one problem however is that it becomes quite difficult to trouble shoot security settings. For example how to determine whether a user is actually part of an active directory user group. If you are not a domain admin you can try and use the following two command prompt instructions

1. To detemine an individual user’s groups
net user /domain [username]
e.g.: net user /domain jonathanhalland

2. To detemine all users belonging to a specific group
net group /domain [groupname]
e.g.: net group /domain axrequisitioncreators

The client cannot download the services metadata from…

Problem / Symptoms: You receive the following message whenever running code or services running in CIL:  The client cannot download the services metadata from http://[SERVERNAME]:8101/DynamicsAx/Services/AxClient?wsdl. The metadata address of the AOS services is incorrect or the AOS services are down. Please contact your system administrator.

Description: When running code in CIL (e.g. Services, batch jobs, Reports etc) you may receive the above error message. The cause of this problem could be multiple, but it basically means that the AOS or client cannot connect to the AX2012 services for one reason or another.

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Resolution: This could possibly be a DNS or some networking failure that you can test by trying to ping the the server that the services run on and resolving the issue as needed.

In our specific case, we experienced an issue that is probably very rare, we have a proxy server configured on the AOS server’s Internet options. However the “Bypass proxy server for local addresses” was not selected, therefore the server could not even access services located on itself. To resolve:

  1. Open Internet Explorer on the AOS.
  2. Click on the settings icon
  3. Click Internet Options
  4. Select Connections
  5. Click “Lan Settings”
  6. Ensure the “Bypass proxy server for local addresses” is checked
  7. Close all screens
  8. Restart AX client and run your code again.

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Using JSON in Dynamics AX

Repost from:

I’ve recently had a requirement to integrate an external system (Toggl with Dynamics AX 2012’s Timesheet system. However the external system only provided a JSON API which isn’t supported natively by the Dynamics AX AIF system.  After some research and trial and error (using various DLL’s) I eventually stumbled across some really useful classes provided by the Retail module in Dynamics AX2012. These classes (although named “Retail…”) provide a really easy and elegant JSON interaction for any use. Here is a very basic code sample of how to consume JSON using these classes in Dynamics AX 2012.


static void myJob(Args _args)
    RetailWebRequest request; 
    RetailWebResponse response; 
    str rawResponse, value; 
    Map data; 
    RetailCommonWebAPI webApi = RetailCommonWebAPI::construct(); 
    request = RetailWebRequest::newUrl(""); 
    response = webApi.getResponse(request); 
    rawResponse = response.parmData(); 
    data = RetailCommonWebAPI::getMapFromJsonString(rawResponse); 
    value = data.lookup("elementname"); 
    info(strFmt("Element name: %1",value)); 

If you are interested in some more advanced examples of using JSON in AX (e.g. using authentication, retrieving subsets of info or arrays)  or doing some of your own integration into Toggl timekeeping please let me know and I’ll post some more info.


Back porting AX2012 XPO to AX 2009

Problem / Symptom: AX2012 XPO files are not generally compatible with AX 2009. Description: When porting an XPO created in AX2012 back into AX2009 one is unable to do a compare against various types of object such as forms, classes, tables etc…

Solution: NOTE 1: This solution is to aid you to back port basic code and tables but shouldn’t be regarded as a production ready solution. There is certain functionality that simply cannot be back ported such as event subscriptions etc…

NOTE 2: This is a solution in progress, please let me know if you find any additional changes that one needs to make in order to back port various other AOT XPOs.

Its not often that one needs to port code from a newer system into an older system, but sometimes the occasion does arise as it did for me this week. We have some new functionality in our AX2012 products that we really wanted to port back to AX2009 and a manual compare with both systems open is not really an option and doesn’t actually work for most objects.

The critical areas for us to be able to port back are the tables, classes and forms, all three don’t work. When selecting an element in the AX2009 XPO import form and clicking import, nothing happens. NOTHING, no error messages etc.. I started comparing an AX2012 XPO with an AX2009 XPO in notepad and found the following small changes that one can make to the AX2012 XPO in order at least initiate the compare form for an import into AX2009.

1. Tables For tables the following needs to be modified. Edit your XPO in notepad and

1.1 – Delete EnforceFKRelation 0 Line
1.3 – Delete the Methods start and end element if you have no methods on the table.

2. Classes: In your XPO
2.1 Delete references to Event Subscriptions
2.2 Add the following line right after the METHODS line in the class node:

Version: 3

Screen Shot 2014-08-06 at 4.33.21 PM

Validating a General Journal Produces xpp Error

Problem / Symptom: When publishing a journal you receive a generic “Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.InfoException” was thrown error. Or you receive an error “Account number for transaction type Bank does not exist.”



Description: We received this error reported by the client when trying to post a general journal recently. They received the generic type of XPP error as shown above and were not able to diagnose the problem correctly

Solution: The first step to resolving this issue was to receive better error messages so that the problem can be diagnosed. By disabling the “Execute business operations in CIL” option for the user for the duration of debugging. To do this:
1. Navigate to System Administration -> Users -> Options -> Development.
2. Untick the “Execute business operations in CIL” option.

After performing the above we were able to get a better description of our problem. “Account number for transaction type Bank does not exist.”
Screen Shot 2014-07-28 at 5.21.17 PM


We were then able to diagnose that the bank account used as the offset account did not have a “main account” number setup for it. This may have been due to faulty importing. To resolve:
1. Navigate to Bank -> Cash & Bank Management -> Bank Accounts
2. Select bank account in question, click edit
3. Expand currency management and select a main account.

Determine which users have outdated AX client versions

Problem / Symptom: You want to ensure that all your users’ Dynamics AX clients are updated to the correct rollup.

Description: You may have recently upgraded your Dynamics AX Kernel or Application to the latest Cumulative Rollup (CU), you’ve applied it to all of your AX Client installations that you are aware of but you would still like to make sure that nobody is logging into AX on an old version and potentially causing some problems. You may also be receiving an error in your AOS event log that goes something like this

Object Server 01:  Internal version mismatch. Microsoft Dynamics AX client from [MACHINENAME] ( tried to attach with 6.2.1000.4051 revision of kernel.

Solution: (Applies to AX 2009 & AX2012) There is quite a simple solution to this issue.

  • Open up any Dynamics AX client connected to the AOS in question.
  • Navigate to System Administration -> Enquiries -> Users -> User log
  • Right click anywhere in the grid, click personalise
  • Click “add fields”
  • Expand “User log”
  • Select “Build number”, Click Add

Screen Shot 2014-07-25 at 4.02.20 PM

  • Close the Select Fields form
  • Close “Personalise Form”

Your User log form will now show all sessions and their build number. You can now browse and field all sessions that don’t have the same build number as your kernel. You can also further filter this form to only show the non matching records by right clicking on the Build number field and entering “![buildnumber]” (see screenshot below)

Screen Shot 2014-07-25 at 4.08.14 PM

Click on the “General” tab to find out which computer/workstation the invalid session was coming from. You can now go and run the updates.

Screen Shot 2014-07-25 at 4.10.02 PM

Running Dynamics AX as an alternative User – Quick Tip

Problem / Symptoms: Users need to test Dynamics AX setups as different users.

Description: Quite frequently we are finding the need to test/run Dynamics AX as a different user from our default login user but do not want to run multiple remote desktop sessions or have to log in and out of our current session. We may need to do this for a number of reasons e.g. Testing a workflow approval process i.e. login to approver as the relevant user, Testing security permissions, Testing SSRS permissions, getting screenshots of AX for documentation with a different profile etc…

Solution: There are a number of ways to do this, I have been using CMD/DOS scripts to do this for years (more on this below). But I just found the simplest trick in the book:
1. Locate a shortcut (won’t work for config files) to Dynamics AX,
2. Right click, if you’re lucky (depending on operating system) you will see a “run as a different user”. Select this option, enter your user details and AX will run as this alternative user
3. If there isn’t a “run as different user” option, simply hold in shift and then right click, you should now see the “Run as different user option”

Run as different User


Alternate Solution:
If you are running via config files this solution will not work, you will need to first create an AX32.exe shortcut that takes the config file as a parameter E.G.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe" -regconfig=C:\myconfig.axc

You can also create a .bat file with the following code:

runas /user:user1@mydomain "\"c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Client\Bin\Ax32.exe\" \"C:\myconfig.axc\""


SSRS Report and Viewer Not displaying in AX2012 R2.

Problem / Symptoms: SSRS Reports executed from code under limited security permissions are not displaying in AX2012 R2 or above.

Description: When running an SSRS Report that is being kicked off via code from a user role with limited security permissions, neither the report nor the report viewer is displayed. No error messages are presented. Under elevated (admin) permissions the reports are displayed. The same user is able to execute normal reports via menu-items.

The debugger will fail in class: SRSReportRun.constructReportSettings on the line settings.SetWebServiceUrl(serverConfig.serverId(), serverConfig.reportServerURL());

Solution: I wasn’t able to find any specific security permissions linked to this error that would fix the security role, however I did discover that AX seems to have deprecated the use of the SRSReportRun class in favour of the SRSReportRunController class.

Old Code:

SrsReportRun srsReportRun;
srsReportRun = new SrsReportRun (‘MyReport.ReportDesign1’);

New Code

SrsReportRunController controller;
controller = new SrsReportRunController();

Welcome to Explore

Welcome to my new blog Explore With the advent of AX2012 and all its nifty new tools I decided that it was time to find a spot to collect all my little scripts, coding techniques and general notes to remember. Most things here will be related to development and technical issues, however you may find a few functional things as well.

For those of you who may have read my blog, I have decided to keep that blog separate and dedicated to all things workflow and not pollute it with general AX stuff.

Most blog posts will be written in a typical Knowledge base approach i.e.

  • Problem Statement,
  • Description,
  • Steps to replicate
  • Resolution / Howto

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the blog!
Feel free to leave comments or questions.